Satoko Kudo

  • Professional registered Homoeopath of JPHMA(Japanese Homoeopathic    

Medical Association), No.0784.

  • Registered Inner Child therapist of JPHMA, No.0094.

Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. She had been suffering from skin disease for several years and had been on constant medication to control it. However, there was no sign of becoming better and she had no other choice.

When she was 28 years old, she gave birth at home and her midwife treated her with remedies. Through these experiences, she became interested in Homoeopathy and signed up for a course in College Of Holistic Homoeopathy (Former, The Japan Royal Academy of Homoeopathy) in 2009. She studied Organon (Japanese version, translated from the original German version), Materia Medica of Chronic disease (Japanese version, translated from the original German version),  Materia Medica(Japanese version, translated from the original German version) and Zen Method (Formulated by Dr. Torako Yui, Japan - a method of three dimensional prescriptions through which the homoeopathic medicines act on three levels of our body, mind, sprit in a holistic manner. ) She graduated in March 2013 and became a professional registered homoeopath. Later, she got trained as a Inner Child therapist after realising, from both personal experience and from her ex-patients, the necessity of working on our Inner Children. In 2014, she obtained her Inner Child Therapy degree. Currently, she is practicing as a registered homoeopath in Tokyo and Chiba, Japan.

Major Activities

2013   presentation on ` A case of Palmoplanter pustulosis that was cured in   

       one year ’ at the 14th JPHMA Congress.

2014   Presentation on

       at the 15th  JPHMA Congress.

2015   Presentation on ` A case of Palmoplanter pustulosis that  was cured in   

       one year ’ at the Indo and Japan World Homoeopathic Conference.